Junwon Lee 이준원
drawing by Joonhyung.

Junwon Lee 이준원

AI researcher
M.S. Student @ Music and Audio Computing Lab (Prof. Juhan Nam).
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Music & Audio Information Retrieval, Multimodal Generation.


  • Apr, 2024 | FAD toolkit with PANNs model Released!Link
  • Apr, 2024 | (DCASE) Sound Scene Synthesis Challenge launched! (Text-To-Audio)Link
  • Mar, 2024 | T-Foley code released!
  • | If you have any questions about joining our lab, please contact me via email :)


  • All
  • -
  • Audio
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  • Music
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  • Language
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  • Vision
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  • Generation
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  • Annotation and Retrieval
Correlation of Fr ́echet Audio Distance With Human Perception of Environmental Audio Is Embedding Dependant

Modan Tailleur*, Junwon Lee*, Mathieu Lagrange, Keunwoo Choi, Laurie M. Heller, Keisuke Imoto, and Yuki Okamoto (* equal contribution)

32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2024

#Generation #Audio 

paperfadtk (FAD toolkit)
T-FOLEY: A Controllable Waveform-Domain Diffusion Model For Temporal-Event-Guided Foley Sound Synthesis

Yoonjin Chung*, Junwon Lee*, and Juhan Nam (* equal contribution)

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024

#Generation #Audio 

Foley Sound Synthesis In Waveform Domain With Diffusion Model

Yoonjin Chung, Junwon Lee, and Juhan Nam

DCASE 2023 Challenge Task 7 Foley Sound Synthesis Technical Report (15th, 1st model w/o phase reconstruction model)

#Generation #Audio 

Music Playlist Title Generation Using Artist Information

Haven Kim, Seungheon Doh, Junwon Lee, and Juhan Nam

AAAI-23 Workshop on Creative AI Across Modalities

#Generation #Language #Music 

Music Playlist Title Generation: A Machine-Translation Approach

Seungheon Doh, Junwon Lee, and Juhan Nam

2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Music and Spoken Audio (NLP4MusA), 2021

#Generation #Language #Music 
